Itabashi Tourist Information is opened in Itago Rice Store!Itabashi Tourist Information is opened in Itago Rice Store!

We now have more places where we can talk with you. Our staff is available not only to customers who dine and shop in the store, but also outside the store. We are also available outside of the store to help guide you on sightseeing tours. While strolling along the shopping street, you can learn about the history of Itabashi (Nakasendo: Itabashi Yado), nature (cherry blossom trees along the Shakujii River), and experience and sightsee the city. We will enjoy experiencing and sightseeing (Itabashi Children's Zoo, Uemura Adventure Center), etc. with you while strolling along the shopping street. We look forward to seeing you at our store.

Itabashi Tourist Information" corner is now open in the Itagome Rice Store.

We now have more places where we can talk with you.

Our staff is available not only to customers who dine and shop in the store, but also outside the store.

We are also available outside of the store to help guide you on sightseeing tours.

While strolling along the shopping street, you can learn about the history of Itabashi (Nakasendo: Itabashi Yado), nature (cherry blossom trees along the Shakujii River), and experience and sightsee the city.

We will enjoy experiencing and sightseeing (Itabashi Children's Zoo, Uemura Adventure Center), etc. with you while strolling along the shopping street.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.
